What’s Included



Our membership consists of large, midsize and small, family-owned businesses, and we’re happy to provide support for all. We understand that not all budgets are created equally, and we’ll do our best to connect you with cost-saving programs and initiatives to get your money’s worth out of your chamber membership.

We connect you with cost savings programs for health insurance, energy procurement services and comprehensive business insurance; and participation in the Member-to-Member Discount Program for added exposure and a free benefit for your employees.


Why socialize with us at chamber events? Because meetings can be boring. Join us for regular breakfast, lunch and happy hour programs to meet fellow business professionals, exchange information and become connected with all that Adams County has to offer.

While we do a lot of networking out of the office, we also provide you with a presence in the community where you may not have an office. We also offer exclusive referrals for chamber members and membership in the chamber can add credibility to your business and its reputation.


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you already have. The Chamber can connect you to local, legislative and professional resources to help grow your business.

We want people to know about your business—and more importantly, know you. Each new member gets a FREE advertisement in the Gettysburg Times, an office decal, and a Membership Spotlight in Adams County Business, our member newsletter.



Advertising is expensive! But also necessary. The Chamber offers plenty of opportunities for you to affordably advertise your business through our membership directory, newsletter and Email Blasts. And guess what? You also get some advertising for free.

For new members, we offer a FREE ad in the Gettysburg Times; display space in the Chamber office; free subscription to Susquehanna Style Magazine; two free listings in the Chamber Directory and Community Guide; and free categorical listing in the online business directory.


Some say, “if you don’t advocate for yourself, no one will.” Except for us. We listen. We participate. We care.

Join our Legislative and Governmental Affairs committee or participate with our Legislative Luncheon to connect directly with the representatives of your local and state legislation.


We’re always up for learning more, and we’re not above teaching what we do know. We’ll do our best to keep you updated on the latest trends in local economy, industry and tourism.

Take advantage of our Annual Biz Con (AC Biz Con) for in-depth, professional development workshops, as well as various workshops and programs held throughout the year. Engage the business community and school districts as part of our Programs Committee.

“I’ve gotten leads at each breakfast event because I’m able to talk about my services…reaching customers from across the county I may not have otherwise met. I like that the breakfasts are informal, brief and focused on networking.”

— Peter J. Martin of PJ Martin Engineering